taco cleanse day 4 | aneelee.wordpress.com

taco cleanse day 4 – MILD achieved

I may have gotten a little ahead of myself by diving into a week-long devotion to tacos. A HOT cleanse is intense and I am now in awe of the FUEGO cleansers – @veganlazysmurf and @lonestarplate.  Anything beyond a MILD really requires some advance conditioning and I was naive to think that my casual schmearing of refried black beans onto a corn tortilla was going to be enough to prepare me for the mental game that is taco cleansing.

It may now be obvious, but I am not going to make my HOT goal. I am just gonna have to take it a day at a time and celebrate the small wins.

Today… I managed a MILD taco cleanse:

10/21 Breakfast – Whole Wheat Tortilla, Refried Pinto Beans, Potatoes. Homemade. No picture.

11/21 Lunch – Flour Tortilla, Tempura Fried Avocado, Tomatoes, Arugula, Sherry Vinaigrette. Melizzos Tacos.

taco cleanse day 4 | aneelee.wordpress.com

12/21 Early Dinner – Whole Wheat Flour Tortilla, Rice, Tempeh Taco Mix, Lettuce, Tomato, Salsa Casera. Wheatsville Co-Op.

taco cleanse day 4 | aneelee.wordpress.com

Ordering a taco at Wheatsville nearly did me in. Don’t get me wrong. It was good, but something may very well not be right with a world where a tempeh-chili frito pie is the wrong choice. 😦

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